Lösungen für Aflatoxin-Tests

Aflatoxin Testing Solutions aflatoxin Maintaining a reliable aflatoxin testing procedure is essential to protecting our supply chain. Charm Sciences offers accurate and fast testing solutions to analyze aflatoxin contamination. Learn more about our various aflatoxin...

SLAFMQ - Charm SL Aflatoxin M1 Quantitative Test

Charm SL Aflatoxin M1 Quantitative Test (SLAFMQ) aflatoxin The ROSA SLAFMQ test enables dairies and food manufacturers to detect aflatoxin M1 to the US FDA action level of 0.5 ppb (500 ppt).This 8-minute Rapid One Step Assay is a lateral flow test that can be run...

SLAFM - Charm SL Aflatoxin M1 Test

Charm SL Aflatoxin M1 Test (SLAFM) Aflatoxin Der Charm ROSA SLAFM Test ermöglicht Molkereien und Lebensmittelherstellern den visuellen Nachweis von Aflatoxin M1 bei 350 ppt in roher, gemischter Kuhmilch. Dieser qualitative Test bietet eine kostengünstige Methode für Kunden, die...